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Newest Published: [ List Options ]
The Earthquake by Miss D (All Ages:Real World) (0 votes) 3wins/2fails
You are a seismologist and have been given the task to monitor the city of Jakarta. Use your new found knowledge to save the city and lives!
Sales Call by Matt Seibel (All Ages:Uncategorized) (8 votes) 26wins/0fails
Sales call adventure! Make your sales calls like a boss!
Things I Didn't Tell My Mom by Emily Roberts Jones (Mature:Real World) (10 votes) 14wins/209fails
In order to get through college, there are things that you have to do, things that you would rather omit during phone calls with your mom. She worries, and you're cringey and up to no good. Can you make it out it one piece with your degree and a husband?
Carl And The Copyright Conundrum by James Thibeault (Teenager:History) (7 votes) 26wins/3fails
Learn about copyright and its complications when Carl tries to copyright his new book! CC BY 4.0
The Adventure of the Sapphire Moon by SpottedRose (All Ages:Sci-Fi) (13 votes) 3wins/217fails
Your attempt to land on a planet much in need of exploration is blocked by an unknown intelligence. Can you convince it of your worthiness to explore this new world, and gather needed Fuel to save your homeworld?
To Tea or Not to Tea by Nyx (Teenager:Fantasy) (164 votes) 322wins/38fails
You're studying your art history book when you decide that you'd much rather procrastinate.
A Mermaid Tale by Nyx (Parental Guidance:Fantasy) (222 votes) 697wins/311fails
A mermaid stumbles upon a sunken ship filled with many fascinating things.
Black Cat by Anna Conda (All Ages:Uncategorized) (85 votes) 34wins/392fails
Do black cats really bring bad luck? That depends...
In the Valley of the Kings by SpottedRose (All Ages:Adventure) (14 votes) 21wins/173fails
The ancient temple of Loremipsum Dolor Sit Amet awaits you! Can you find the treasure hidden there--and escape alive?
Small Packages by SpottedRose (All Ages:Real World) (76 votes) 25wins/71fails
You've been left a small something of immense value, hidden inside a large house of very dubious value. Now, if only you can find it (the something, not the house).
Simple House by Joe Durbin (All Ages:Real World) (23 votes) 81wins/2fails
Straight forward example of a user creatable story using the advanced editor functions.

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Inspired by the Interactive Fiction Genre of Choose Your Own Adventure Books.